We have an easy to use sign-in system that allows us to keep track of every child and parent who comes into Tehillah. The safety of your child is our priority, we want you to know that your child is safe. Our Kidcheck desk is located in the front lobby and it is open 30 minutes before each service. You simply give our team member your phone number and your child will be registered into their age appropriate class. Once you arrive to the classroom, the teacher will already have your childs name in the system and confirm arrival.

Nursery 4 months - 17 months
We believe every child can experience the wonderful love of God through the nursery ministry and by speaking words of life and love into their life. Our goal is to have a room that is environmentally safe and clean; to establish an atmosphere of love and laughter for young children so they may experience the love of Christ from the volunteers caring for them.
Toddlers 18 months - 35months
We minister to each child by helping them discover how God created them and His unconditional love for them through songs, good bible stories, and activities.
Terrific 3's & Pre-k 4 yr olds
This class serves to teach children about the principles of the Word of God . Our curriculum introduces small children to real life events from the Bible to begin to know who God is.
Jr Kids 5yrs-7yrs
We have a fun curriculum that introduces the kids to real life situations they face and how they can make better choices using the word of God.